Our story

Happy 1st Birthday Alacrity Africa Projects!

It’s the eve before our one-year anniversary and I remember the 11 June 2020 very clearly. We were in the midst of the deepest lockdown due to Covid 19. The hardest-hit sectors were tourism, and events, the industries that we were employed in. We were scrambling to find ways to sell sanitizer and find creative marketing solutions to the problem. Boity, Lauren, and I were about to embark on a market research project involving the taxi industry of South Africa. We had set up a network of connections and had a plan. 

It was raining hard that day – as it does in Cape Town winter, our market research project on hold because of the rain. It was then that we decided to start a business. It seemed absolutely crazy but we figured if there was one good thing that would come out of that day, that time, it would be to realise our many years of scheming and dreaming together and finally start that business. 

We jumped on to the CIPC – Registered a company called Alacrity Africa Projects. I booked the domain name and the rest is history. We started with the idea that the 3 of us women would represent all South African women perfectly. 

We didn’t know much, but we knew that we three women could find a way to support and uplift business through our efforts together. Come to think of it, although we had no clear business plan, we were really acting in hope, and belief that we were worth the effort, that business in South Africa was worth the effort, and the unfaltering determination that COVID – 19 would not destroy us or our country. 

As I reflect on the year gone by, I am astounded at the courage and strength that we have shown, we 3 ladies have serious balls! We entered a prestigious VW brand competition and placed in the top 10, we have bid on multi-million rand tenders (honestly), joined forces with some fine business minds, supported our loyal and fabulous small business clients, and continue to shine and rise and rise again. 

It has been tough and difficult and no one got rich quickly, but we have a solid foundation and are looking forward to the next year of growth. 

Thank you to each and every one of you who has been part of our journey to this point, you have been so important that we would honestly like to mention you by name, and so we shall;

Liam Beattie – HOTT3D

Katie Brock – Afrika Umoja

Desire Zonjee – Bodhi Natural Health 

The Western Cape Government – Department of Economic Development and Tourism

George – Graphic Laminates

Evan Smuts – Mr Amazing

The Lionesses of Africa  – amazing support network

Adelaide – Tali & Damy Jewellery

Kelly Mealia – Energy Capital Power – https://energycapitalpower.com/

Brisk and Cheerful Marketing Readiness – Happy 1st Birthday Alacrity Africa!